How to sign US Valentine:
Send your name, and if you wish, your city, state, and country.
You can also send a short message that will appear along with your name.
It may take a day or two for your name to show up - please be patient
and check back again.
Click here to see the signers and their messages.
How to list favorite service members:
If you have a friend or relative in the service that you'd like to honor, put the name, rank, and service in your message, and we'll add the name to our Honors List of Favorite Service Members.
Click here to see the names.
If you know someone without access to a computer who would like to sign US Valentine, they can send a postcard or letter to:
US Valentine
P. O. Box 29110
Santa Ana CA 92799
You can also print out a copy of our signup sheet and pass it out to friends. You can send it to us. The address is also on that page.
Privacy statement:
We won't sell or give your names or addresses away to anybody.
The only thing we'll do is list your name and location,
and your message, if you've sent one.
Return to the US Valentine home page.