US Valentine

To our favorite service members

To all our service members who serve here and abroad and their allied partners
You Have Our Highest Regards and We Will Always Be Here For You
Begun February 14, 2003.

Winter 2006

Sign US Valentine
Send a message to US and coalition troops still deployed.

See the names and messages. Favorite Heroes and Favorite Veterans
Service Members - Veterans - Heroes

The Blue Star Banner
Since WW I, families with family members serving in the armed forces have hung this flag in their windows.

May 17


Mother's Day
Armed Forces Day
Memorial Day
Flag Day/ Father's Day
Shamrock Daze
News archives

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Veterans Day

Originally Armistice day, which marked the end of WW I - November 11, 1918, at eleven minutes past eleven.
    The name was officially changed by Congress in 1954.

A "Salute to Veterans". There are games, links to history sites, informations sites,

Before there were combat photographers, there were artists. This link goes to the story of one of them, Mimi Korach Lesser, who spent two years in Europe, from just before the end of the war until after.
    Her job was to draw pictures of soldiers, many in hospitals, to send back to their families. The website has about 700 of her portraits, all of them uncommonly good, and a look into the faces of the soldiers of WW II.

As we recall the service of our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen, we are reminded that the defense of freedom comes with great loss and sacrifice. This Veterans Day, we give thanks to those who have served freedom's cause; we salute the members of our Armed Forces who are confronting our adversaries abroad; and we honor the men and women who left America's shores but did not live to be thanked as veterans. They will always be remembered by our country

The U. S. Marine Corps celebrates its birthday on November 10.